ALTIUM and design mouse bites inside the Embedded Board Array/Panelize
FIRE FOX , 03-23-2021, 02:53 AM
I've two questions about the panelization matter inside Altium.
The first is if is possible to add in an automatical way the mouse bites to an existent milling route path or if the only way is to manually add the necessary non metallized holes by input the xy coordinate for each hole (so perform forst a CAD study where to put the holes and the after that manually place the holes inside the panel pcb).
Another question is if is possible to slice (Edit -> Slice Tracks when the PCB is into 2D view mode) the milling route path on a circular path, apparently (Altium version 18) seems to me not possibile perform the route slicing on a circular route path, but only on a linear segment.
FIRE FOX , 03-25-2021, 09:43 AM
Hi Dan thank for your answer!
Well was my suspect that isn't possible to perform slicing on a curver route path and also that is not possible to add ina more automatic way the mouse bites... it would be very great have this feature added...
Thanks again.
Best regards!
robertferanec , 03-27-2021, 04:03 AM
@FIRE FOX and @DanR, this is interesting. Thanks for sharing.
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