robertferanec , 04-21-2018, 09:13 AM
I think, AD18 was officially released.
I have not used AD18 for a design yet, so I am not the best person to answer. However, if you decide to move to AD18, be prepared - they moved some buttons/menus around and you will spent some time by trying to find some stuff. The most difficult is, when you try to search on internet, there is not much information about AD18 and you usually end up on help page for previous AD versions. So, it can be frustrating.
I have not noticed anything special why I should immediately move to AD18. We actually still do a lot of stuff in AD15 - we know all the bugs, how AD15 behaves and what we need to be careful about. Working in AD15 and staying with one version is for us much faster and easier than keep moving between versions (the last great feature which we use are xSignals, so that is something worth to upgrade, otherwise we do not really need any other latest features). I did not notice any special advantages of moving to AD18. I know, the speed should be the biggest advantage, but maybe it is my computer, I do not see AD18 to be faster comparing to the previous AD versions (I have Intel i7 CPU + plenty of DDR, even previous versions are working just fine). Also, other advantage should be mutiboard design - we do not really need this feature.