Intersecting Polygons Viewmate
Naveen-Krishnan , 07-20-2018, 01:44 AM
Hello everyone,
I use Viewmate to check my gerbers. When I checked the gerbers yesterday, during importing Viewmate informed me that there are internsecting polygons. I thought there was some short circuit between polygons so I ran Design rule check again and again. But I did not find any errors in Altium during DRC.
Then when I researched I found out that the vertices of the polygons are intersecting not the polygon itself. I merged the vertices of polygons and left it to Altium to design the final actual shape polygons
Hope it could help someone.
Cheers ! Bye.
robertferanec , 07-24-2018, 02:10 AM
Thank you very much @Naveen-Krishnan for a great tip!
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