Problem with schematic and PCB differences in lessons project
Roky , 12-06-2019, 06:21 AM
Hello everybody
I apologize if this is not the correct place where to make this question
this is not a technical question
I have a problem on Schematic and PCB design course.
I found a lot of differences in the values of bypass capacitors between Schematic and PCB of the base board project
I m stuck in a lesson because of this: there are a lot of cap in Voipac project PCB with different capacitance value
respect the capacitance (almost all fixed at 10uF) in the Voipac project schematic.
I attached here a PDF file with a list of modification actions, if I start a PCB update process
from the main base board project schematic.
This modification implies changes in generic parameters (they are ok),
but also modification in capacitance values...and in footprints according to the cap values
My problem is to finish all footprints (with all 3D components) for all schematic symbols
but .....what should I do with these difference?
should I use 10uF values for all cap as the the update report,
or should I update all cap values in all the project schematic (they are really a lot) ,
following this update report and searching for different kind of capacitors in order to update
even all the parameters?
thank you in advance
best regards
Roky , 12-07-2019, 09:00 AM
I solved finding a fast PCB components update and changing all cap in PCB to 10uF because original PCB caps are less then 10uF.
I modified all caps footprints in order to match as possible original Voipac PCB schematic, using different 10uF cap versions with different footprints
Anyhow it could be useful for others to know that there are discrepancies in components, between schematic and PCB, in Voipac project
robertferanec , 12-09-2019, 04:36 AM
Ah, you do not have to sync sch with pcb. Just update footprints in the PCB from PCB library (in PCB library, right click on the footprint, "Update PCB with ...." )
PS: I am using the VOIPAC's project demonstrate how important some things are (even if initially they do not look important - like creating each component type in your library)
Roky , 12-09-2019, 04:52 AM
ok, thank you very much for your reply
anyhow I have already synched them, because I prefered to do so

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