Hi all,
I'm having an issue with at slot hole I have defined in padstack. I'm fairly new in pcb layout, so please bear with me, if I don't use correct terms

I have defined a rectangular slot in padstack, which I am to use as a connection point for hooks on my pcb as a test point. It goes through the entire PCB and I want to have it connected to the top. layer, which is defined as my Vin. Since I am not soldering anything to this point, I want to have full contact with the top layer. When I edit the properties and choose full contact, it looks like the hole is also covered with the top layer copper. If I don't assign any contact to the top layer, then it is not connected at all to the layer, and I have to it manually through traces. In the attached figures, you will see two rectangular slots. Both of them should be connected to the top layer, and one of them is defined as full contact. As you can see, the smaller one is not connected to the top layer, but in the 3D model it still appears as a hole. The big one is connected to the top layer, however the hole itself is covered.
How can I achieve full contact with the top layer and still have a hole through the PCB?