Please help me Microcontroller Design File Conversion from allegro to altium
Bitu , 02-16-2025, 05:36 AM
Hello,I am using the MCXN547VDFT microcontroller, and its reference pcb design is available at this link( However, the design file is in Allegro format, and I am unable to open it in Altium.Could you help me convert this file to Altium format? Alternatively, could you guide me on the appropriate via size I should use in the center of this microcontroller’s BGA pads?Looking forward to your response.
Bitu , 02-16-2025, 02:18 PM
Please help me Microcontroller Design File Conversion from allegro to altium
Robert Feranec , 02-17-2025, 07:58 AM
cadence has a free viewer, you can try to open it there:
Robert Feranec , 02-17-2025, 07:59 AM
to convert allegro to altium, in past I think you needed a dll file delivered with allegro. I don't know if this file is still needed or if it is delivered with the free viewer
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