Please can you tell me 7 products that I can design from schematic till real physical product that I will be fun and sellable.
- that is very hard question to answer. If someone knew a product idea what would sell, they would be probably already working on that product.
Only what I can recommend (and what I often do) is to design something what will help you and maybe you will find out, that also other people find it useful. The simplest way to come up with ideas is to have a look around ... what product would be helpful for your kids or for your wife or for yourself to make your life easier - something simple, something what you do every single day and it could be done easier. For example I created an app for my daughter to improve her math (the app generates simple counting questions), I also started working on a timer which helps her to measure time when she is working on different activities (e.g. 15 minutes of reading, 20 minutes of playing an instruments, ...), I am designing a gmail addon to help me answer emails, I started working on a page which helps my wife to answer everyday question "What for dinner?" ... I have never planned to sell these - I am designing them for fun and experience and that it helps us with our every day lifes ... I am very aware how hard it would be to sell them and if I would be designing product to sell - and they would not sell, I would be very disappointing and demotivated to work on next projects.
Having a good product is far away from selling it. You can have a great product, if not enough people know that you have it, it is very difficult to sell it. And selling the product can be much harder than creating it (especially if an engineer is trying to sell something). So, if you are doing this as a side job or a hobby project, you should be designing it for fun, experience and usefulness.
People should not be designing products because it is something what they think it is going to sell and they will become rich. If it was so simple, we all would be rich