Power electronics PCB design course
Miguel Garnelo , 05-08-2021, 05:11 AM
Are you working on or have you thought about an Altium Designer course with a focus on Power Electronics applications. For example, covering power components elements like MOSFETs/IGBTs and their gate driver circuitry; DSP layout and tracking of PWM signals to ensure same time delay; fibre optics or isolated interface from the controller to gate driver; converter analogue signals processing; GND and general PCB layout and routing to avoid EMI problems on analogue signals processing circuits in the same board as power devices; converter protections; communication interfaces for power converters (SPI, CAN, EtherCAT,...); among much others of course. I would be really interested in a course like this. I hope it is also of interest to the Academy and/or other people and could become an available course.
Thanks for your time!
Best regards,

qdrives , 05-08-2021, 02:51 PM
How far do you want to go (on only a small item)?

This is an engineering education channel covering the area of analog and power electronics. The channel is meant to explain basic and advanced topics in an intuitive way with minimum number of equatios. Comments are welcome, and I try to answer all queries. Welcome abroad.
Miguel Garnelo, 05-10-2021, 01:17 AM
I am interested on PCB design and layout for power electronic converters and power applications. But thanks for the channel, it seems quite interesting!
robertferanec , 05-10-2021, 04:35 AM
@Miguel Garnelo I am not expert for power electronics design (I mostly only design CPU boards), so I am not planning on creating a course on this topic. However I am planing to make some youtube videos where some people would talk about this area.
qdrives , 05-13-2021, 08:34 AM
Power electronics design is just like other electronics design - very wide and you are able to go very deep.
@Miguel Garnelo for PCB design and layout I think that copper thickness, thermal management and creepage + clearance are more dominant compared to the other fields.
And I must say, there are not that many video's on these topics as there are for i.e. high speed design.
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