Placing Buck module on simple motherboard (way to attach it with motherboard)
MuhammedHesham , 12-25-2018, 04:04 PM
Merry Christmas to all members of Fedevel ...
I want to place this Buck Module on a simple mother Board of ROV .. so i want to make sure that is attached so well and have a nice view and easy to handle
any ideas

Wish all happy new year

Paul van Avesaath , 12-26-2018, 01:02 PM
HOTGLUE MATE! HOT GLUE, oops caps was on.. Or thick dual sides tape.
MuhammedHesham, 12-28-2018, 10:28 PM
"oops caps was on" don't understand this ? Thanks U 💙 .. i'll use it
Paul van Avesaath , 12-29-2018, 07:57 AM
I meant caps lock was on.. (so you get capital letters all the time)
MuhammedHesham, 12-29-2018, 11:15 AM
You're Welcome 😂😂😂
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