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ESP32 S3

rubenB , 09-17-2024, 06:24 AM
I finished Robert's tutorial on DIY ESP32 using Altium. I soldered and tested the board. I used Arduino IDE example for Blinking LED and both USB port works. However, only one USB port works when I use the simple WiFi LED example in Arduino IDE.

In this picture, this USB port would not work with the simple WiFi example. It uploads but it does not output anything in Serial Monitor. Help pls!!
Robert Feranec , 09-17-2024, 02:33 PM
did you try reset?
Robert Feranec , 09-17-2024, 02:33 PM
btw, well done 🙂
Robert Feranec , 09-17-2024, 02:34 PM
also, on what serial are you sending the output? If on the standard serial port, you may need to connect the second cable (?) .. I am only guessing, didn't try it
rubenB , 09-17-2024, 04:51 PM
I tried reset but it still didn't work. I connected it to the standard serial port labeled (ESP) which is usb2. I will try connecting the second cable and see if that works. For the jumper, do i keep it on the standard port or should i place it in the UART port if i connect the second cable?
Robert Feranec , 09-17-2024, 06:20 PM
I mean in your code, were do you send the serial output?
Robert Feranec , 09-17-2024, 06:22 PM
I don't have the board here, but by default the serial output may go to the other USB, so you may need to connect it and then use a serial terminal to see what is sent there (?) maybe ?
Arij feki , 09-18-2024, 12:03 AM
when you upload the code click you must hold down the 'Boot' button and press the 'Reset' button once.
rubenB , 09-18-2024, 04:00 AM
I tried connecting both ports at the same time, but it keeps connecting and disconnecting. Not sure if I am shorting somewhere.. but the board starts freaking out when both USB ports are connected

EDIT: It is a mistake on my end.. I have two Arduino IDE opened and trying to connect to the same port hehe. Everything works well 👍
rubenB , 09-19-2024, 01:39 AM
@Robert Feranec sorry to open up the thread again, i finished another board and same thing happens on my end where if both usb ports are connected, no matter whcih pin the jumper is connected, the esp usb port keeps connecting and disconnecting, while the UART usb port remains stable and connected.
rubenB , 09-19-2024, 01:45 AM
I also noticed this connecting/disconnecting stops when I run the simpleWifiServer example in ArduinoIDE while both ports are plugged in
Robert Feranec , 09-19-2024, 03:48 AM
do you have both cables connected to the same usb hub? also how do you power up your board? This behavior is often caused by ground loops.
rubenB , 09-19-2024, 04:55 AM
Yes both ports are connected directly to my laptop. I am powering it using the usb ports as well, it does it regardless of which usb port powering the board
QDrives , 09-19-2024, 11:46 AM
Does it reset due to watchdog or power problems?
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