Bermell , 09-01-2022, 12:31 AM
I am routing the layout using two DDR3 memory chips.
In my stackup, layers 3 and 10 have the same geometry and properties. The same happens with layers 5 and 8.
I am using the fly-by topology. For point to multi-point signals ( such as address command control and clock ), I've split these signals into two planes because I can't route them all on the same layer.
So for these signals, i use the 5 and 8 layers until the first memory chip, and 3 and 10 layers, between the first and second memory chips
My question is about vias and lenght matching.
How can I do lenght matching in my case ? Must I consider lenght vias used in the lenght matching ? Vias have different properties than layers ( different speed of signals )
I hope you can understand my question.
Thanks a lot in advance