update the library property for all components on a board
floridiaan , 02-05-2018, 06:22 AM
Dear all,
When i design a pcb i like to create one PCB lib for the project, so i have a nice stand alone package.
The problem i face is that i don't see how to update the library property of all PCB footprints to the one i just created with 'Design -> make PCB library).
i have tried with "Find simular objects", but there i can't find "Libary" field. I also tried with "PCB list" but also there i can't find the Libary field.
In schematic there is a Footprint manager (Tools -> Footprint manager" where i can update PCB library with my new lib's name, but when i "Update PCB document", then the Libary field for all components stays unchanged in PCB design.
How can i update all library fields of all components to 1 library ?
Thank You
robertferanec , 02-06-2018, 10:27 AM
floridiaan , 02-12-2018, 02:22 AM
Hi Robert,
Thank you for the respons.
This is unfortunately not the solution.
i am trying to get the PCB libary name for all components at the same name.
Any other suggestions?
Thank you
robertferanec , 02-12-2018, 08:10 PM
Ah, you need it for footprints. Then the Tools -> Footprint manager should work:
floridiaan , 02-26-2018, 12:30 AM
that i already tried, but in PCB design the libs are not updated
"In schematic there is a Footprint manager (Tools -> Footprint manager" where i can update PCB library with my new lib's name, but when i "Update PCB document", then the Libary field for all components stays unchanged in PCB design."
robertferanec , 02-26-2018, 12:01 PM
Did you check if the library was updated in schematic symbol footprint? (double click on a schematic symbol, find footprint, than double click into Description field and double check if that information was updated - you should see there the link to the new library).
If yes, maybe then you may need to re-sync schematic with PCB ... but I am only guessing, I have not tested the re-sync.
floridiaan , 03-05-2018, 01:46 AM
The PCB location in schematic is ok, but not in PCB as you can see in the picture.
Re-sync does not help neither.
To recapitulate things , this is how it fails
a) create schematic and PCB, in PCB i use a personal PCB lib for the footprints.
b) Then i create a PCB lib (make PCB library)
c) after this there seems to be no way to get the PCB lib description of PCB components synced between schematic and pcb
robertferanec , 03-05-2018, 06:19 PM
Hmm, this is interesting. Then, I do not know

I would probably try to delete the component from PCB and check what will happen when I do synchronization ... if the new added component will have correct footprint or not. That will not solve the problem, just confirm if the footprint path in sch was updated ok.
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