Originally posted by
linux-dudeI've taken over a half finished layout and is trying to decide if to start over or just adjust obvious mistakes and then do simulation in HyperLynx DDRx and hope for the best (we will probably rent HyperLynx when we have a design worth the effort).
The board has 12 layers, and two of the signal layers are sandwiched between ground and (DDR4) power layers. It's 0.13mm pre-preg between signal layer and ground and 0.15mm pre-preg between signal layer and power plane.
The power planes are not continuous, but sliced into ground and power rails at a point where most of the CAC signals is crossing. I suspect it will have impact on SI for the board.
Any thoughts on this? Has anyone done SI simulation with split power planes near DDR4 CAC signals?
have made the the DDR4 design with split planes, als long as you keep the planes continous beneath the signals then it is ok. so you have to move the planes if possible.
like robert mentioned you will need at least one solid plane for GND for the project.
ik must say that whoever writes those papers, lives in the perfect world..

real life it is compromise compromise and compromise in your design.
good luck!
also simulate the hell out of it