Unmasked Traces in PCB with Altium design
shereesubahan , 08-19-2018, 11:50 PM
How can i design a Unmasked Traces in PCB with Altium design, can anybody help?
Paul van Avesaath , 08-20-2018, 08:42 AM
just draw a line on the top solder layer over the trace.
robertferanec , 08-21-2018, 02:57 AM
Or if you need to unmask a bigger area, you can for example draw a rectangle on the Mask layer in the area where you would like to have the unmasked traces.
Paul van Avesaath , 08-21-2018, 03:09 AM
if you have gold plated finishes you can make excelent logo's this way :P
robertferanec , 08-21-2018, 04:29 AM
@Paul van Avesaath nice brain logo!

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