Hi Guys,
I came up with a hard problem. I want to learn something about desiging a custom PCB stackup.
Question1: In Figure-1 you can see the 4 layer stackup like this:
I want to calculate the microstip 50Ohm and 100Ohm impedances on Top Layer. This is easy. I use Saturn PCB Design ToolKit -> Conductor Impedance Tab. In Figure1 prepreg thickness is 112um, which is 4.4mil.
When I specify 7.3mil microstip and 4.4mil prepreg height, the impedance is 50Ohms. It was easy as I said before

The problem becomes out when I want to calculate the Botttom Layer's impedance. I dont know how to determine the reference plane. Is it L3 Power plane, or is it L2 GND plane? If is it L3 I think the calculation is the same, But I think it must refence to the L2 GND plane. However the non conductive total thickness from L4 Bottom to L2 is 112 + 1180um = 1292um, 50mil. But 7.3mil track width makes 131 Ohms.
Please tell me the true way. What is the reference plane ?The same problem can be seen in different stackups. I attached Figure-3 8Layer Stackup. When I want to calculate L3-SIG stripline impedance, what is the reference plane? Is it L4-PWR or L7-GND?
Question2: Why there is different thickness of prepreg and core materials? This is standardized by IPC-4101B document or tested by IPC TM650.
https://industrial.panasonic.com/con...eet_R-5775.pdfhttps://www.intel.com/content/dam/ww...e/an/an613.pdfhttp://www.eurotronics.be/documents/...data_sheet.pdfI have to design a board with has lots of SGMII(1.25Gbps) and a few QSGMII(5Gbps) interface signals. When I read Intel's design guide, it says over 10Gbps signals designers must choose low loss materials. Then I want to work with Panasonic Megtron 6 Core&Prepreg instead of ITEQ IT-180A. In the datasheet Page 4, 2116 sheet has 2 values of thickness which are 125um and 132um. I dont think 132um prepreg will become 125um after pressing or sandwiching to the PCB.
How can I specify the correct value ?By the way when I look at IT-180A 2116 prepreg thickness is 4.6mil=116um. Panasonic Megtron 6 2116 prepreg 125/135um.
Why are they different ? I can make you see lots of other materials (Isola vs.) which are totally different from each other.