Solution for datalogging 50MB/s in an embedded system
andax , 05-15-2020, 04:15 AM
Do anyone have experience for a relatively straight forward solution for storing data to a removable data storage device (memory card / thumb drive) in embedded systems with a data rate of above 50 MB/s. I'm looking into solutions with microcontrollers such as STM32M4/M7/H7 or a FPGA such as Spartan-7 or Artix-7 or similar.
robertferanec , 05-16-2020, 12:46 AM
Hmm .. not really. Maybe someone else can help?
beamray , 05-17-2020, 01:45 PM
chitransh92 , 05-22-2020, 01:36 PM
For removable storage devices, USB 3.0 provides a write speed of approx 60 MBps.
You can ensure that the embedded platform is USB 3.0 Compatible with corresponding driver and it should get the work done.
andax , 05-23-2020, 01:16 AM
Chitransh92, as far as my own investigations go, I haven’t found an easy way to add USB 3 to a design. There are no compact solutions or straight forward implementations on this. Unfortunately!
chitransh92 , 05-23-2020, 03:43 AM
Indeed @andax ,
USB is one of the most challenging protocol to implement. :-)
U can manage the Hardware piece somehow but if there is no good brains there is no point.. (y)
beamray , 05-24-2020, 04:11 PM
100T-base Ethernet, LVDS, PCI, PCIe 2Gen will be more than enough.
Why don't you use storage controllers from maxim or microsemi. But they are working via lvds or parallel buses with "brain" part.

The MAX4951 dual-channel buffer is designed to re-drive serial-ATA (SATA) I and SATA II signals and is functional up to 6.0Gbps for next-generation data rates. The MAX4951 can be placed near an eSATA connector to overcome board losses and produce an e
andax , 05-24-2020, 04:23 PM
Hi, I’m not sure how the redriver you posted the link to is going to work, as it is more or less only a booster circuit.
Yes there are a lot of storage controllers but most of them use gigabit-transceivers. For the FPGA I work with I would preferably go for some parallel cmos/lvds interface as they don’t have gigabit-transceivers.
Ideally if one could use a similar circuit as FT601 from FTDI but which could act as a host for a USB3 thumb drive...
robertferanec , 05-16-2020, 12:46 AM
Hmm .. not really. Maybe someone else can help?
beamray , 05-17-2020, 01:45 PM
chitransh92 , 05-22-2020, 01:36 PM
For removable storage devices, USB 3.0 provides a write speed of approx 60 MBps.
You can ensure that the embedded platform is USB 3.0 Compatible with corresponding driver and it should get the work done.
andax , 05-23-2020, 01:16 AM
Chitransh92, as far as my own investigations go, I haven’t found an easy way to add USB 3 to a design. There are no compact solutions or straight forward implementations on this. Unfortunately!
chitransh92 , 05-23-2020, 03:43 AM
Indeed @andax ,
USB is one of the most challenging protocol to implement. :-)
U can manage the Hardware piece somehow but if there is no good brains there is no point.. (y)
beamray , 05-24-2020, 04:11 PM
100T-base Ethernet, LVDS, PCI, PCIe 2Gen will be more than enough.
Why don't you use storage controllers from maxim or microsemi. But they are working via lvds or parallel buses with "brain" part.

The MAX4951 dual-channel buffer is designed to re-drive serial-ATA (SATA) I and SATA II signals and is functional up to 6.0Gbps for next-generation data rates. The MAX4951 can be placed near an eSATA connector to overcome board losses and produce an e
andax , 05-24-2020, 04:23 PM
Hi, I’m not sure how the redriver you posted the link to is going to work, as it is more or less only a booster circuit.
Yes there are a lot of storage controllers but most of them use gigabit-transceivers. For the FPGA I work with I would preferably go for some parallel cmos/lvds interface as they don’t have gigabit-transceivers.
Ideally if one could use a similar circuit as FT601 from FTDI but which could act as a host for a USB3 thumb drive...
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