Convert photo to PCB in Altium Designer
Marziyeh Gholami , 10-22-2021, 11:56 PM
I have a question, Can you help me?
I have taken photo from my PCB board for reverse engineering. How can I convert my photo to PCB in Altium Designer?
robertferanec , 10-23-2021, 01:51 AM
I do not know about any tools what could convert pictures to PCBs. You may need to re-draw it.
Marziyeh Gholami , 10-23-2021, 06:02 AM
I appreciate your help. , 01-12-2022, 04:14 AM
at first you should make your photo 1:1 in some softwares like corel draw and etc . after that go to "place" toolbar and click on "extrude 3d bodies" and draw a shape in mechanichal layer . and after that click on the body that you have drawed and after that from properties add your photo in "texture file" . and when you go to 3d of your pcb you can see the photo .
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