michaelchang , 10-31-2017, 04:26 PM
I am new to BGA and DDR3 layout. Currently, I am in a project with a BGA processor (400 balls, 0.8mm pitch) and a DDR3 chip in an 8-layer-PCB. I have some questions regarding of PCB.
The first one is stackup. I learned from some documents that it is ideal to use symmetric stackup in this kind of high speed design. Previously, I planed to use the stackup as: L1(signal), L2(GND), L3(PWR), L4(PWR), L5(signal), L6(signal), L7(GND), L8(signal). So, the signals on both layer 6 and layer 8 can be referenced to layer 7(GND), and signal on layer 1 can be referenced to layer 2(GND). If I use symmetric stackup, only two signal layers can be referenced to GND. So, I want to know why and how important it is to use symmetric stackup.
The second question is about impedance. I asked our PCB manufacturer to calculate trace width. The result is: single ended track for 40 Ohm should be 0.2 mm wide on outer layers, and 0.5 mm on layer 5. Differential tracks for 80 Ohm should be 0.175 mm wide on outer layers, and 0.203 mm wide on inner layers. Compared with reference design of iMX6 from FEDEVEL, I feel that the tracks are too wide. So, my questions is: is there anyone who used such wide tracks for DDR signals?
My last question is about vias. Considering PCB manufacturing cost, I plan to use through-hole vias only in my PCB, and the minimun via size is 0.4mm/0.25mm. Again, I noticed that there are a lot of uVias in iMX6 reference design. While the good thing to me is there is only one DDR3 chip on our PCB. So, I am wondering if it is possible to finish the connection between processor and only one DDR3 chip with this type of through-hole vias.
Hope someone can give me some suggestions.
Thanks in advance!