Happy new year Robert,
So currently , Clock become stable, I had some connection and disconnection to internet.
​I read and write now to KSZ9031 register successfully and can also change PHY speed with phytool and check TX_CLK change between 2.5 & 25 & 125Mhz.
​But There is problem to get IP many times from DHCP server.
​I will upload the Length Match signals from Openrex and my board to see that all length is matched and same in length as OpenRex board.
​I just to know how to calculate 2ns Trace delay in RGMII v2.0 and then program exact value to PHY registers.
​Can you explain how did you find the right value for PHY registers depend on trace length? Do need to update the delays for both MAC and PHY? or just one side is enough?
​I have access in Debian Linux boot option to change the TX and RX delay too.
​KSZ9031 need 1.6ns CLK delay and in my calculation is mean 260mm track length!
​super confused!
