Board Level Shielding EM Simulation
FBI agent , 04-27-2024, 11:18 PM
Hello there. Recent days, I'm struggling to run simulation to observe how any shielding material behaves but i couldn't do it. The things that i need to observe are magnetic field shielding, electric field shielding and plane wave shielding. I read articles, a book and some documents. Is there any way to run simulation ? I tried in CST but doesn't work.
Robert Feranec , 04-28-2024, 05:28 AM
I don't know, but a very good idea for possible video. if anyone know someone who could talk about this topic and run some simulations, please send me email to
FBI agent , 04-28-2024, 09:56 AM
I'm still trying to figure it out. I got new idea for it. I will run the simulation like modelling antenna absorber. Maybe it does the trick Mr. Robert. By the way, the CST studio 2021 has not enough ability for it. Andy's HFSS might be better tool for it.
FBI agent , 04-28-2024, 10:02 AM
I wanted to say ANSYS HFSS.
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