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#power Good voltage translation

Shar , 08-02-2024, 10:28 AM
This is a power good logic level translation circuit. The purpose is that the input 1.8 volt when it is good .....a signal has to be sent to FPGA(3.3 v)[ according to my understanding]

This is part of power on sequencing of the board...
Once 1.8 v from the switching regulator is good
..then a signal has to be sent to FPGA...

So in the reference design they have done this way. Why are not they giving 1.8 volt directly to the bjt but are first using voltage divider first...
QDrives , 08-02-2024, 09:33 PM
You can simply do it as shown here https://www.penguintutor.com/electronics/mosfet-levelshift in "Bi-directional logic level shifter"
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